Thursday, September 11, 2008


One trip that you have to take while in Korea is to the DMZ. Alex and I headed to 3rd Tunnel and walked down into one of the many tunnels that North Korea dug. After that we went to the Dora Observatory. On a clear day you can look over into North Korea but we went on a foggy day so we couldn't see more then a half mile. The next stop was to the Dorasan Station. The last train station before you head to the north. After lunch we were on our way to Camp Bonifas. When we arrived is when we realized that today was Sept 11th. A little odd to be this close a country that hates us so much on this day. We had strict rules while we were there, no hats, no pointing, no fast movements. We got to go into the conference room where they held talks and this is where you can cross into North Korea. The middle of the table in the middle of room is the Military Demarcation Line.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Our first vacation while in Japan. We headed to Korea for 5 days and stayed at the Dragon Hill Lodge. While there the only thing that Alex wanted was a suit. We dropped our stuff off in the room and head to Itaewon. The next day we went on tour of Seoul. Jogye Temple is a Buddhist Temple. Then we went to Gyoengbok Palace built in 1394 and was used until 1895. We drove past the Presidential Blue House on our way to lunch, Alex was not too pleased with the lunch since it was "cook it your damn self." I on the other hand enjoyed the lunch and could not get enough. After lunch we went to another palace, Changdeok and the secret garden. Alex was a trooper since I made him walk through another palace. As Alex say "you see one temple or palace you have seen them all." Before the tour ended we headed to one of famous markets in Seoul, Namdaemun. We didn't get enough to really look around but it was pretty similar to the other asia markets. The following day we headed to the other side of the peninsula to hike a few mountains. Along the ways up the mountains we stopped at a few Buddhist temples.