Sunday, October 18, 2009

More Family Pictures

Family Pictures

I've been bugging Alex to get some new pictures of us taken. My friend Liz got her family pictures done by Amanda Webb. I really like what I saw so I booked us an appointment. I wanted both beach and Okinawa theme. We knew Alex was going to say no to the beach since he and the sun don't get along and no to the Okinawa theme because its Okinawa. Since he wasn't there I went with both ideas. The pictures turned out great. It was fight to get him to take off his Nike's but we did get him into the flip-flops.

Monday, October 5, 2009


This past weekend I went to Oktoberfest at the Butler O'Club. It was a fun filled night of drinking beer, eating cucumber salad, sauerbraten, and sauerkraut and an Oomph band. Liz was the DD, thanks to her we all got home safe and sound except my car. We went to the club It died when Liz dropped me off at my house. Laura and I pushed the car in a parking spot. It is still sitting there I think it needs a new battery.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


I was a little unsure about going on this tour but Liz convinced me to go with her. The bulls only fought with each other. They were on a leash with trainers and several others people on the sidelines to help pull the bulls apart. I can say I went to an Okinawa bullfight and don't need to go again.