Sunday, June 20, 2010

Army Ball

Since Alex says he will never go to an Air Force Ball, I decided to go to the Army Ball with my friend Liz. It was a fun getting all dress up and having our hair and make-up. It was an enjoyable evening with friends and learning about the Army.

Friday, June 18, 2010

SHES 2009-2010

Today was the last day of school for 09-10 year. It has been an interesting year with its up and downs. I moved into a new position, PSCD Aide. Special needs preschoolers, enough said. I'm happy and sad to see some of them go off to kindergarten next year. But I will get to see them again when I take my kids out to the playground.

We have alot of teachers and aides that are leaving or have left the school. SHES will not be the same without you.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Alex's "vacation"

Alex left for an all expenses paid by the air force "vacation" so it's just me and the cats this summer. Alex has just been upgraded to AC. He is now the most experienced person on the plane and is calling the shots. This is a good time for him to go since we are leaving Okinawa by the end of the year and the extra money will help with the down payment on a house. He will be gone for a few months nothing compared to a year long deployment.