Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Hi-Ho Hi-Ho Off To Work We Go

Last week, I started working again at the school. Within the first 30 minutes be being at work I got a new job. I'm now the PSCD aide, which is the SPED Preschool. I really did not want to do it but I knew no one else wanted to be that aide. So I took one for the team and it has paid off. Since I have to be with the kids all the time, I will no longer be doing cafeteria or recess duty. I will help out the other aides when time allows. Plus, I found out today that my teacher put in a request for more work hours for me and it was APPROVED. I guess that means no more leaving early on training days with the rest of girls. I will miss my old kids but I know they are in good hands. I'm excited to work with my new kids. Another sad part about this new position is I wont be working as closely with the other aides. I will miss the talks in the hallway and eating lunch with them.

1 comment:

  1. I know how you feel. I was reassigned this year also. I work in a different area of the school and I feel like I don't see any of the people I worked so closely with for the last 2 years. I miss out on the morning chats in the work room and then quick venting sessions we had in there when a couple of us would meet in there on the way to the bathroom. In the area I am working in now we are so busy that we never see each other. What is PSCD, for those of us who have no clue. We miss you both!
